312-384-0044 [email protected]
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Awning Cleaning Chicago About Page


About Us

Welcome to the Awning Cleaning Chicago About Page.

HI, my name is Douglas Simons and I have been cleaning awnings in Chicago for over 35 years. Don’t worry I started really young.

I was 19 years old and I cleaned my first awning and funny story ran out of the PVC cleaner and borrowed some other cleaner from Lynch Motors on Irving Park road.

It blew my mind how good it was I then started experimenting with all types of soaps and processes and have finally nailed it.

That being said, you do not have to worry about anyone experimenting on your awning when you call us for a cleaning, it has all already been done years and years ago.

If you are looking for awning cleaning and would like a professional job please call 312-384-0044.

Awning Cleaning

Awning cleaning has been around as long as there have been awnings. If you look at old photographs in Chicago. You will see there used to be more awnings than now. The awnings they used we canvas awnings, big thick heavy canvas awnings that could be rolled up after dark or when not raining.

In truth, since then many awnings have changed multiple times. I remember the old Woolworth awnings we used to clean had a vinyl top for their red and white stripes and a green canvas backing. Man those were hard to clean. Then in the 90s, many people started using backlit vinyl awnings.

These were made from thin vinyl that would show light through them. These were great for businesses because these awnings could double as a sign. For instance, blockbuster, subway, and many others like Douglas TV Chicago, and Hanigs Slipper Box Chicago all used these for a while.Now it seems that vinyl awnings are not used as much, most likely because they do not last as long as cloth awnings. Vinyl awnings tend to lose their color in the sun.

If you are looking for awning cleaning and would like a professional job please call 312-384-0044. Alternatively you may use the contact form on the contact page.